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Get Notifications for Games on Twitch

We'll notify you when one of your favorite streamers plays your favorite games

Missed your streamer playing this one game?

Search no longer! With CationCrew you can create alerts that will notify you via Discord, E-Mail, Telegram and Browser Push Notifications when your predefined streamer plays a specific game that you like. You can also use wildcards to get any game changes as notification.

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Create Game Alerts

By defining extensive rules for your alerts you can build the notifications exactly to your needs. You can use wildcards to get all game changes of a specific streamer or you can ignore specific games to never receive notifications for them. Learn more how to get started using CationCrew.

Works with Twitch

We integrate with Twitch to ensure you get your notifications delivered in real-time. You setup all your alerts to your personal preference and as soon as the pre-defined Twitch streamer plays the game you selected, you'll receive a notification on the configured contact method.

Works with Discord

For the best real-time notification experience we integrate seamless into Discord. Get notifications on your Discord server or via direct message.